So Who Does 'Consumers Alliance for Global Prosperity' Really Represent?

consumers alliance
consumers alliance

In my recent listing of organizations that fly under "false flags," using environmental-sounding names to advance anti-green causes, I missed the Consumers Alliance for Global Prosperity. It's got many trappings of an actual consumer advocacy group, but its major purpose seems to be advancing a political agenda: Bashing greens, unions and others deemed not sufficiently free market-positive.

"Multiple radical environmental groups make up a key portion of the Empires of Collusion," the Alliance says. On its list is everything from the middle of the road World Wildlife Fund to Greenpeace. The Rainforest Action Network (RAN) is described as a "far-right fringe group." That prompted some surprise from the network's spokeswoman, Nell Greenberg: "Wow, we've never been called that before," she said.
