Winning! A Toast to Sheen-Inspired 'Tiger Blood' and Other Celebrity Drinks

Tiger Blood from Harcos Laboratories
Tiger Blood from Harcos Laboratories

Charlie Sheen's wacky declaration -- among many wacky declarations -- that he's special because of tiger blood has spawned a "Tiger Blood" punch-flavored energy drink that sells for $4 in an IV bag. The liquid is red and it has 80 milligrams of caffeine and some iron, which of course blood has. The packaging says it's also made of "100% passion," but we're not sure if that's juice from the actual fruit or a super-special-secret ingredient.

"Winning!" or not, this bit of merchandising gimmickry comes courtesy of Harcos Laboratories, which admits it has no ties to Sheen whatsoever.

In honor of Harcos' marketing chutzpah, WalletPop serves up a few other beverages with celebrity roots.
