How to Choose a Driving School for Your Teen

teen girl excited to get keys to car - teen drivers
teen girl excited to get keys to car - teen drivers

Car crashes kill more teens than cancer, homicide and suicide combined, which is why choosing a good driving school could quite literally be a life or death decision. In fact, the Automobile Association of America (AAA) reports that although teens represent only 7% of the licensed population, they are involved in almost 20% of all fatal accidents. Scary stuff.

However, in spite of the statistics, safety risks and high gas prices, there's no dampening the enthusiasm of a teen who is finally eligible for a driver's permit.

Huntington Beach, Calif. mom, Suparna Lundquist says her 15-and-a-half year old daughter is, "excited and nervous about the driving lessons. Mostly because it's something new, but something she really wants to do."

Oh, yeah. Freedom! But first, homework
