The Three Worst Things You Can Say to a Financial Aid Officer

Student in her dorm room
Student in her dorm room

While some parents may be thrilled to help their teenagers plan and pack up for college, other moms and dads are having something closer to an anxiety attack. It's not just that time is passing and that the most important, cherished people in their lives are about to move out and on with their lives. There's also that dreaded question: How the heck am I going to pay for this?

Of course, some parents don't plan to pay for any of it; they figure they've gotten their kids this far in lifeand now it's time for their children to step up and take over. But for the parents who do plan on paying for some or all of their child's college education, they're likely going to find themselves across the desk from a financial aid officer, trying to figure out just what to say to afinancial aid officer to get their hands on those much-needed funds.
