Who's Your Stalker? Facebook Scam Makes a New Appearance

stalker facebook scam
stalker facebook scam

Facebook has quickly become scam central, and with as many as 600 million users it's easy to understand why criminals are attacking The Social Network in earnest. Scams come and go with the headlines, but lately to resurface is the Stalker app, which tries to tempt a click with a variation on an invitation to "See Who Your Stalkers Are!"

Great bait. As far as the deadly sins go, there's an appeal to lust (porneia in Greek), if you're single and using The Social Network to hook up. There's an appeal to vanity (vana gloria in Latin, which sounds better), as there is on other networking sites such as LinkedIn, where access to who is looking you up is sold at a premium. Maybe some recruiter is running you through a keyword check, after all. There's an appeal to wrath, since you may actually have a troublesome ex or a current in porneia's grip who really is stalking you, a common enough occurrence apparently that Virgin Mobile invokes it to sell cell service.
