Make It Automatic: Six Tips to Help Put Your Finances on Autopilot

david bach
david bach

Getting out of debt -- and staying debt free -- requires commitment, discipline and hard work. There are no shortcuts. But there is a way to make the job easier. It's something that I have been writing, teaching and talking about for years now. If you want to succeed, you must make your plan automatic.

If you follow the steps I cover in this article, you will truly have a foolproof, no brainer, "set it and forget it" financial plan that, I promise you, will work. This plan is based on the one I laid out in my New York Times bestseller The Automatic Millionaire and I have a full chapter covering the details of these steps in my new bestseller, Debt Free For Life. The whole process should take no longer than an hour to get organized.

Read and follow these steps. It's easy and, yes, you really can do it!
