CityVille Wedding Goals: Everything you need to know


If you've been keeping track of the love-story between Louise and Dr. Sheperd in your town in CityVille, you'll probably be excited to learn that after all of the dating, Dr. Sheperd finally decides to pop the big question, and Louise even says yes! This triggers a new set of goals called the "Wedding" goals in your town, that begin with a goal called "Wedding Baking."

For Wedding Baking, you'll need to complete three tasks that are all related to your French Restaurant(s).

Have 3 Baguettes
Have 3 Croissants
Collect from French Restaurants 5 Times

Both the Baguettes and the Croissants are part of the French Restaurant Collection, which can be earned by collecting from the French Restaurant, so if you still need them, you'll be crossing off two tasks with one click there. After this mission, you'll unlock the second of three Wedding Goals, called "Wedding Dinner."

Meet us behind the break for more on the "Wedding Dinner" goal and what follows after it.
