Free Glasses to 25 States Plus D.C.

Man trying on eyeglasses
Man trying on eyeglasses

Get a free pair of prescription glasses from CoastalContacts when you participate in the company's Facebook giveaway. The glasses (frame and prescription) truly are free, though you pay for shipping and upgrades. Here's how it works:

1. Log into Facebook or create an account. Go to Coastal Contacts' free glasses page.
2. In the box where it says "5,000 Free Glasses For," find your state and click "Give Me A Code." The page should say how many free glasses codes are left so you'll know if the deal already ran out. Get a code now even if your state's freebie doesn't start for a few days.
3. Copy and paste your unique code (it can only be used once and cannot be replaced) into a safe spot, then watch the calender for the freebie day in your state:

Mar. 3 - Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee
Mar. 4 - Utah, Arizona, Idaho
Mar. 7 - Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana
Mar. 8 - New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware
Mar. 9 - District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia
Mar. 10 - Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts
Mar. 12 - Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont
Mar. 15 - Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas

4. Your free glasses coupon code is valid starting at 12 noon EST on the day of your state's giveaway. It expires at 11:59 p.m. that day. Pick out your glasses at, then plug in the freebie coupon code while you check out. Shipping and handling usually costs $10-$15.

Your glasses will arrive a few weeks later in the mail. The site has some really easy-to-use tools to figure out which size glasses you need. I know because I've tried to buy glasses online before and was the first site that explained everything well.

And as a bonus, if you shop today, Mar. 3, 2011, through Ebates, you can get an extra 14% off anyhting you spend. After today, the Ebates cash back offer drops to 7%, which is still not bad.

Caveats: Available to residents of the U.S. only. Your free glasses include the frame and standard 1.5 index lenses. Thicker lenses cost more. Upgrades like coatings, progressives, bifocals, and tints cost more, too. Some frames are not eligible. One free pair per household. If you already received a pair of free glasses, you are not eligible to receive another free pair.

Check back later today and through the week for more great freebies at WalletPop.
