Witchcraft Gives Home Sellers an Otherworldly Last Chance

witchcraft home cleansing
witchcraft home cleansing

Selling houses in today's economy is tough, so who couldn't use a little bit of help -- or even witchcraft. In Salem, Mass., Lori Bruno, a self-proclaimed psychic who says she's descended from a witch who was burned at the stake during medieval Europe's bubonic plague, blesses homes to rid them of sadness and negative energy that might either keep the home from selling, or could distress the new owners.

"Each house has a different energy, and requires a different ceremony," Bruno told AOL Real Estate. "Some of [the blessings] I do over the window, some of them over the doorway. It all depends on the energy I feel that needs to be worked with."

(See our friendly neighborhood witch perform a cleansing ritual in an exclusive video after the jump!)
