Greek Outcry Over Kraft's Athenos Ads: Hummus and Hookers, Oh My!


Kraft released its new ad campaign this week for its Athenos line of hummus, combining shock value and a little Greek stereotyping. A young woman serves her friends Athenos hummus. In response, a Greek yiayia, or grandmother, comments that the hostess dresses like a prostitute. The hostess does a verbal double-take and the Greek grandmother repeats the word "prostitute" for good measure. Then the narrator points out that at least Yiayia endorses Athenos hummus. "Athenos may be the only thing approved by Yiayia," goes the tagline.

While I applaud Velveeta-slingin' Kraft for going ethnic in new ads to tout its line of Athenos Greek foods, I'm not so amused by the brand association. I don't think "prostitute" and "hummus" go together. And if you think they do, I want nothing to do with your next pita platter.
