Celine Dion Shows Off Her Twins -- and Her Mansion!


As Celine Dion is busy promoting her new documentary Celine: Through the Eyes of the World, the world is getting a glimpse of her 9,825-square-foot home on Jupiter Island, Fla., and realizing just how much home fame and wealth can buy.

A pajama-clad Dion who claims she doesn't get a lot of "me time" recently let Oprah's cameras into her home (after People did so in its January issue) to introduce everyone to her four-month-old fraternal twin sons, Eddy and Nelson, who join 9-year-old brother Rene-Charles, namesake of her hubby Rene Angelil, 69.


Peeking in the home, viewers see a mass of white. White walls. White floors. White cabinets. White sofas. White decor. The Daily Mail points out that this is not the most suitable color for small children. (See photo gallery.)

But area real estate agent Jeff Lichtenstein of Illustrated Properties tells AOL Real Estate that what's going on in the backyard of the 42-year-old singer is what has eyes bulging and mouths agape.
