Women play more mobile social games than men - Surprise!

Women social gamer
Women social gamer

A recent study published by Flurry, a San Francisco-based smartphone analytics firm, made a shocking discovery: Women between 26 and 65-years-old play more mobile social games than men. Whoa, you mean to say that this data has the same results of every study relating to the topic ever? Honestly, no one should be shocked that this is the case. Nor should they be by Flurry's discovery that, after surveying 60 thousand gamers, 20 percent more men play traditional video games than women.

We've known this for a long time. But what's more interesting is Flurry's look at other statistics pertaining to marketers' coveted mobile social gamer. According to the data, nearly 70 percent of mobile social gamers are white. Furthermore, 61 percent of mobile social gamers have at least their bachelor's degree and over one third of them make between $60 and $80 thousand a year. Well, I guess it's nice to know that mobile social gamers are doing just fine. Yet it begs the question: Why might folks in this economic bracket have more time to play mobile social games than any other?

[Via VentureBeat]

[Image Credit: Games For Good]

Do you find this study surprising at all? What do you think of the rest of Flurry's data? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
