Most bizarre FarmVille crop ever: Watermelon babies

farmville watermelon babies
farmville watermelon babies

In one of the weirdest FarmVille crop photos ever, Gorbie from the official FarmVille forums has shown us the before and after of the Watermelon Baby Crop from FarmVille China. This isn't your typical watermelon - this crop actually makes a little odd looking baby pop out of it when it's ready for harvest. When it dies, the watermelon dies and turns brown, taking the baby down with it. The dead baby watermelon becomes less bright, but otherwise remains the same.

Needless to say, some players are finding it a bit disturbing that there is a "dead baby" in the game. Because the Watermelon Baby Crop is a 5 minute crop, players have to harvest it very quickly before they end up seeing it dead on their farm. This can be a little disturbing to players who are sensitive to that kind of imagery. Of course, it isn't a human baby (it looks more like a groundhog) and we're sure Zynga didn't intend for it to disturb players. This crop is only available in the Chinese version of FarmVille.

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What do you think of the Baby Watermelon Crop? Disturbing, cute, or funny?
