FarmVille English Countryside Delivery: Save your building materials

FarmVille English Countryside letter from Agatha
FarmVille English Countryside letter from Agatha

We already know that FarmVille's English Countryside will finally be bringing us a second farm. FarmVille aren't going to miss the opportunity to continue to tease us and get us excited about this new feature. Farmers will find a new special delivery on their farm from Agatha, which contains a brief letter and 5 bags of Fertilize All.

In the letter, Agatha tells us that we'll love having our second farm in the English Countryside, because the soil is rich and we'll be able to master crops faster. We knew this already, but one great tip in this letter is in her P.S.:

"Get more boards, nails, and bricks from friends. They will help get you started faster here."

So now we know that gaining access (or at least utilizing) our second farm will require some building, and probably some massive building. It's a great time now to be saving up all of your building materials so that when the English Countryside releases you won't be left behind while your neighbors are all off enjoying their second farm.

To read the letter from Agatha, scroll down to the bottom right corner of your farm and click on the plane and special delivery.

Are you getting excited about the English Countryside? Do you think you'll want to decorate a second farm? Tell us in the comments!
