Poll: Should Zynga's raunchy FrontierVille wall posts go away?

FrontierVille Got Wood
FrontierVille Got Wood

You've all surely seen Zynga's suggestive FrontierVille News Feed posts. If you've yet to witness the hilarity, we even covered the madness a while back. However, there are several forum members that have enough with the lewd messages. So much so that forum user flapdoodle21 (what does that even mean?) has claimed they will not play any Zynga games until these messages are removed. While many agree with this disgruntled pioneer's sentiment, an equal amount claim that it's not such a big and flapdoodle21 (I just had to say it one more time) needs to lighten. So, we come to you, fine Games.com readers for your two Horseshoes:

Should Zynga cut the raunchy FrontierVille posts?Market Research
