Free Issue of Bloomberg Businessweek

Cover fof Bloomberg Businessweek
Cover fof Bloomberg Businessweek

Get a free preview issue of Bloomberg Businessweek, a newish publication that focuses on international business news. The freebie comes directly from Bloomberg Businessweek, so there really aren't any strings attached. Of course, when you share your name, address and email to get the free issue, you can bet your grandmother's life that the magazine will pitch you hard to buy a one-year subscription.

To get an idea of what Bloomberg Businessweek covers, the link above has a number of preview pages from past issues. The offer is available while supplies last.

Caveats: One per person. Open to residents of the U.S., Canada and other countries, but it's unclear exactly which countries are included.

Check back later today and through the week for more great freebies at WalletPop.
