Five Surefire Tricks for Saving, Even for Students


saving tricks
saving tricks

My philosophy once was: If it isn't in the bank I can't spend it. So I would let two or three paychecks accumulate on my dresser (probably to the dismay of my employer) to keep those funds from burning a hole in my checking account.

Then I figured it was time to come up with better tricks for building up savings (and one demonstrating a little more self control), to avoid turning into my grandmother -- stashing wads of cash in a mattress for the next Dust Bowl.

This semester I'm an unpaid intern with no steady income, which makes it all the more tempting to treat myself to a new sweater and a nice dinner when I pick up an odd job and get some cash. My new goal, however, is to save a portion of any income, no matter how small.

If you're like me and have to trick yourself into saving, here are ways to help your inner penny-pincher wrestle your spendthrift-self to the ground.
