FarmVille Fairy Tale Building: Princess Tower


If you've been waiting for a chance to have your FarmVille avatar yell at Rapunzel to let her hair hang down, after seeing our sneak peek of the upcoming Princess Tower, wait no longer - the tall building is now available to purchase from the store! What's more, this item is available to purchase for coins - even better!

The Princess Tower is an incredibly tall building by FarmVille standards, and costs 250,000 coins to purchase. Unfortunately, the Princess Tower doesn't animate (I guess making her hair blow in the wind was too much to ask?), but it still makes for an impressive addition to your farm, if you should choose to purchase it.

For those looking for an experience point boost, you'll receive 2500 experience points for purchasing the Princess Tower, but only if you do so within the next two weeks, before the building is removed from the store. It seems odd to be posting about items in FarmVille that don't relate to one of the many winter holidays, but hopefully this theme will expand with more items that will continue this nice change of pace. We'll make sure to let you know if it does.

What do you think of this Princess Tower in FarmVille? Will you purchase one for your land? Let us know in the comments.
