Zynga condenses FarmVille pop-ups; way less annoying

FarmVille Pop-up
FarmVille Pop-up

See, all you need to do is ask Zynga nicely. Wait, I didn't ask for this FarmVille improvement, did you? At any rate, the FarmVille masterminds have redesigned pop-up notifications in the game. Now, pop-ups will appear to be much smaller, giving players the option to see more information or just close the window. These enhanced pop-ups have only been noticed for Bushels found after harvesting all of one's crops; the amount of coins received after harvesting animals has also been condensed into a single pop-up. Better yet, if either pop-up is left unattended, it will quietly slip back beneath the friends bar where it belongs.

[Source and Image Credit: FarmVille Freak]

Have you seen these improved pop-ups on the farm yet? What other streamlining do you think needs to be done in FarmVille? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
