Refinance Your Home Now: Mortgage Rates Rising

refinance your home mortgage
refinance your home mortgage

Nothing's a sure thing with mortgage rates, and the longer you wait, the greater your chance of missing a prime opportunity to refinance your home mortgage. That was the message from a recent video interview with Jean Chatzky, finance editor for NBC's Today Show. Nikhil Hutheesing from our sister site, DailyFinance, asked Chatzky the tough questions about today's unpredictable housing market, and got some invaluable answers.

Let's face it, interest rates have no where to go but up. When that happens, will be you be ready?

Personal finance expert Jean Chatzky, who's book Money 911 was recently published, says that now is the time to focus on maintaining -- and improving -- your financial position.

For a long time, it didn't seem we would have to worry. Ben Bernanke promised that mortgage rates would remain low and as would corporate bond rates. All this would happen thanks to QE2, or quantitative easing, which would help to keep rates down, make housing more affordable and foster economic growth.

But rates are already moving up.
