FrontierVille Injured Animal Mission coming soon; Collection now available


In a fairly interesting update to FrontierVille today, Zynga has added a new collection to the game, but there is currently no way to earn items for said collection. The Collection is the Injured Animal collection, and it asks you to find five items, as usual:

Cone of Shame

All of these items are medical in nature, and right now, Zynga offers us this in the way of a hint for completing it: "Injured Animal Collectibles drop when you tend injured animals (you'll need to heal them up first)." But what exactly does this mean? Will sick animals randomly appear on our homestead, or will our current animals become sick, and need some sort of first aid?

We've discovered that a new quest will likely be coming to the game in the future introducing the concept of Injured Animals. Meet us behind the break for details about this upcoming new quest.
