FrontierVille Kissing Tree: Everything you need to know


It looks like the love triangle / saga between Hank, Fanny Wildcat, and Bess in FrontierVille will finally be coming to an end this Valentine's Day, and you'll be there every step of the way, literally shaping the way things unfold. There are not one, not two, but a whopping four new missions sets available in FrontierVille - but there's a catch. You'll need to choose which pairing of these three characters that you'd like to see actually play out. That is, you'll be able to choose whether or not Hank ends up with Bess or Fanny, or if both ladies decide to ditch Hank altogether and just spend time with each other.

All of these mission sets revolve around a new building project called the Kissing Tree. The Kissing Tree is slowly rolling out to users even as we bring you this guide, so keep checking your game to make sure it hasn't launched in your store. It can be purchased for 500 coins and 10 Wood. You'll need to help the tree grow with "whacks" that really equate to you watering the tree so it reaches full size. You'll need to do this five times.

Once you help the tree grow to its full size, you'll need to collect a group of items to finish "building it" just like every other construction project in the game. Meet us behind the break to see how that's done.