Friday Freebies: Valentine's Day Edition

Valentine's day - Friday freebies
Valentine's day - Friday freebies

This week the focus is clear -- Valentine's Day Freebies are in the house! From free smartphones to free ice cream and free Redbox DVD rentals, there are many gratis goodies to share with your sweetheart -- or enjoy all by yourself. Single or taken, freebies abound this weekend.

T-Mobile is giving away tons of free phones in stores Feb. 11-12, 2011 and online through Feb. 14 to celebrate Valentine's Day. T-Mobile has enlisted the help of Khloe Kardashian to get the word out. But before you start counting the savings, let me point out the catches.

  • There are a limited number of free phones at each store.

  • You have to sign a 2-year contract.

  • Activation fees apply ($35) or a line upgrade ($18) applies if you are an eligible existing customer.

  • You pay taxes on the phone.

  • You have to send in a mail-in rebate on 13 of the 30 free phones available.
