Free Sample of Emergen-C

Free sample of Emergen-C
Free sample of Emergen-C

Get a free sample of Emergen-C when you share a little info about yourself, including your name, address, email, date of birth and gender. You can opt into the Emergen-C email list if you wish. It's unclear how long this freebie will be around.

Caveats: If you recently requested a free sample of Emergen-C, you may not be eligible for this freebie. If you're not sure, submit a request or wait a few months. One sample per email, per household. While supplies last. The free sample takes 4-6 weeks to arrive. Open to U.S. residents only. If you live in Canada, click the above link then look for a link at the bottom of the freebie giveaway form to get your sample.

Check back later today and through the week for more great freebies at WalletPop.
