Three Ways to Lower Winter Heating Bills

Adjusting the thermostat
Adjusting the thermostat

Punxsutawney Phil may have predicted an early spring, but with all due respect to the Groundhog's legend, chances are that most of us will be seeing a few more rounds of heating bills. Keeping your home comfortable this time of year isn't cheap, but there are things you can do to make those utility statements a little less painful to open. Here are three easy ways to lower heating bills.

1.Make the Most of Your Programmable Thermostat

You can cut heating bills by as much as 10% if you set your programmable thermostat to turn up the heat when you need it and down when you don't. Punch in a routine that includes a lower temperature when your home is empty and a return to the comfort zone right before everyone's home from work and school. The target temperature can slide down again by 5 degrees to 10 degrees at bedtime, and then warm up just before you wake.
