Son of Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling Found Dead in Apartment


The college-age son of former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling has been found dead in the California apartment where the student lived.

John Taylor Skilling, 20, was found dead Thursday laying near bottles of medication, police said, according to news reports.

Authorities are awaiting results from an autopsy to determine the cause of death, but foul play isn't suspected.

The younger Skilling, who went by J.T., was a sophomore at Chapman University in Orange, Calif., where he was studying communications. Police found his body Thursday evening when they went to the apartment after friends said Skilling failed to show up for dinner.

Jeffrey Skilling is serving 24 years in prison after being convicted for numerous crimes related to the collapse of Enron, the former Houston-based energy giant.

J.T. was often present in the courtroom when his father was on trial about five years ago.

Skilling's attorney, Daniel Petrocelli told the the New York Daily News that he has requested that his client have permission to attend his son's funeral.
