Taco Bell Has a Beef With Lawyers, Runs Nationwide Ads to Fight Back

ground beef - taco bell
ground beef - taco bell

The Taco Bell controversy over whether its meat really is "ground beef," as the company claims, or some mysterious concoction of fillers and additives has dominated consumer news since word got out that the Mexican-style food franchise was slapped with a class action lawsuit last week. In a new advertising campaign run in major daily newspapers, the Yum! Brands chain defends the quality of its beef in an effort to counter negative perceptions.

"Thank you for suing us. Here's the truth about our seasoned beef," the ad copy reads, before launching into a detailed description of the percentages of beef and Secret Recipe seasonings the company uses. Those include salt, chili pepper, onion powder, tomato powder, garlic powder, cocoa powder, oats, caramelized sugar, yeast, citric acid, and "other ingredients that contribute to the flavor, moisture, consistency, and quality of our seasoned beef," the ad says.
