Super Bowl Sunday: Good Day for Open Houses?

super bowl sunday
super bowl sunday

Home sellers and buyers expect Sunday open houses, but when it comes to Super Bowl Sunday, things can get a little dicey. There are some determined buyers (and perhaps desperate sellers) who are willing to venture an open house on Feb. 6. And why not? After all, the game doesn't start until the evening, after most open houses have ended.

But some agents say the traffic just might not be enough to warrant an open house even though late January and early February is when listing activity begins to pick up in some markets, now that the holidays are behind us.

One positive aspect to having an open house on Super Bowl Sunday is that you're reaching the non-football fans. Some agents also believe that each home that does have an open house just may get a higher amount of foot traffic due to the lack of competition, since there will likely be fewer open houses on this Sunday in particular.
