FrontierVille Chapel of Love Goals: Everything you need to know


Along with the release of the new Chapel building project in FrontierVille comes a four-part goal series, appropriately titled "Goin' to the Chapel of Love." Apparently, the love that Miss Fanny Wildcat and Bess have started to feel for our man at the General Store, Hank, has culminated in a need for a church on our Homesteads, but who exactly will be getting hitched inside? Let's take a look at this four-part mission series to see if we can find some clues.

The first step of this goal series will show up for users automatically when logging into the game. As you'd expect, your first action should be to set the construction of your Chapel into full swing, and that is appropriately one of the tasks required for part one of four of this set.

Place Chapel on Homestead
Harvest 25 Squash
Have 25 Cloth

Earlier today, we gave you a complete rundown on the requirements you'll need to fulfill to build the Chapel - a complete set of 60 items - so check out our guide to its construction to learn more. As for the Squash, this is a six hour crop, but remember, you don't have to actually wait to harvest your ready crops to pass this task - simply have some of your FrontierVille neighbors visit your Homestead and water your Squash. This will count in the same way as if you had harvested the Squash after the full 6 hours.

Your rewards for completing part one are 100 XP and 100 coins. You'll be able to share a bonus of 25 XP with friends.

Meet us behind the break for a look at the rest of these missions.
