FarmVille Mystery Game (1/30/11): Chinese New Year items have arrived


Quackers has updated the FarmVille Mystery Game this evening, and wouldn't you know it - our prediction from just yesterday has held true, as this week's Mystery Game contains items from a new (and timely) Chinese New Year theme.

As of this writing, this Mystery Game is the only way to get your hands on Chinese New Year items in the game, as there are none currently available in the store. That might change in the future, but if you'd like to get a head start on the proceedings, then check out the confirmed prizes available this week:

Chinese Red Bridge
Red Lotus Pond
Chinese Dragon
Horse & Carriage

For those that are interested, you'll be happy to know that this week's Mystery Game retains the traditional price of 16 Farm Cash, with that premium currency getting you a single dart to throw at the board. Unfortunately, the item you'll receive is still random, so keep that in mind, but all of these would likely look cool on your farm.

This week's Mystery Game will be around for just that long - a week, before a new set of six items will be added to the game. Will they be more Chinese New Year items? Valentine's Day items? Only time will tell, so make sure to check back with us then when we find out.

Will you spend 16 Farm Cash to add one of these items to your farm? Which item are you hoping to receive? Let us know in the comments.
