FarmVille Valentine's Day Goals: Everything you need to know

Love is in the Air!
Love is in the Air!

Valentine's Day is officially underway in FarmVille with two new buildings to master, but more importantly a brand new set of Goals to complete. Just to make sure you have the loveliest time performing these heart-filled tasks, we have everything you need to know right here.

The first Goal in this series of three, "Love is in the Air," requires players to buy the Valentine's Mailbox. However, logging into the game should automatically put the item in your hands to place on the farm, so don't even bother going to the Market. Well, scratch that. You'll need to go to the Market to buy and plant 200 Lilacs. This will cost you 7,000 coins total, but will result in 15 thousand coins in return after 10 hours. Finally, you'll need to fill your Mailbox with 10 Valentines, which can be done through asking friends, buying them in the Market or collecting them from Cupid's Castle. Complete this Goal for 100 XP, 2,500 coins and two Valentines.

Join us after the break for a how-to on the next two Goals in the series.
