FarmVille Valentine Costumes: Dress your avatar as Cupid or a Pink Rabbit


Since Zynga has released a slew of new Valentine's Day decorations in FarmVille, many users began to wonder if we'd soon be able to dress up our in-game avatars in new themed costumes, as well as decorating our farms. We receive our answer this week, as Zynga has released three new Valentine's Day limited edition costumes to the store.

These three costumes actually come in only two varieties - Cupid Costumes, and a Bunny Costume. There is a completely different Cupid Costume available for either boy or girl avatars (the girl costume is a dress with pink wings and red tights, while the boy costume is a white suit with white wings), but both costumes cost the same at 15 Farm Cash each You'll receive 525 experience points for purchasing either one.
