Free Glasses to First 10,000 Tomorrow


One company is changing the way people buy prescription glasses by regularly giving away free glasses online. The lenses and frames are free, but the catch is you pay for shipping (about $13) and any upgrades. The next giveaway is tomorrow, Friday Jan. 28, 2011, and it starts promptly at 9 a.m. EST. The flyer says it will go until noon EST, but the 10,000 free pairs could run out in an hour or so.

To get a free pair of glasses, like the company's Facebook page and click on 10K America. Grab the coupon code (if you're not on Facebook it is AMERICA) and then head to to pick out your free pair. Make sure to plug in coupon code AMERICA as you check out. It's a good idea to pick out a pair and put them in your cart before the promotion starts because the site will get hammered with users and be super slow. If you have trouble, call the company directly to place an order.

If you or a member of your household already got a free pair of glasses from CoastalContacts, you are not eligible for this promotion.

Caveats: Available to U.S. residents only. Free lenses are standard 1.5 index. All upgrades, including coatings, progressives, bifocals, tints and high index lenses cost extra. You pay shipping and handling. Some frames may not be eligible for the freebie. Limit one free pair per household. Multiple orders made from the same computer and household will be canceled.

I took advantage of one of the company's earlier freebie promotions and am really happy with my glasses. I even mentioned them in a WalletPop video on the best places to buy glasses online.

Check back later today and through the week for more great freebies at WalletPop.
