The State of the Union 2011 - and You

obama speaks at the 2011 state of the union
obama speaks at the 2011 state of the union

By accounts, last night's State of the Union address was one of the more inspirational, optimistic speeches given by President Obama. (There were no boos or nasty shout-outs, as in speeches past). But what does all the rhetoric (62 minutes' worth) mean to you and your future?

Here's some of what President Obama called for -- and the takeaway.

More Innovation

Obama said we need to "out-innovate, out-educate and out-build the rest of the world." While it's all about competing better with developing nations such as China and India, innovation also means entrepreneurship and, ultimately, jobs. Because at bottom, Obama's success (not to mention his re-election) will stem from his ability to provide jobs and robust income growth for Americans.

But you have to wonder: If all of the high-tech manufacturing jobs continue to be shipped out of the U.S., how exactly is this innovation going to create millions of jobs?
