FrontierVille Care Packages: Let's try this again, Zynga

Care Package
Care Package

They're back, pioneers. Care Packages, your most favorite (or most hated depending on your situation) item, has returned to FrontierVille. Much like Special Deliveries in FarmVille, Care Packages will always contain an item you need (either for a building or Goal) once opened. FrontierVille Info reports that the smart boxes have returned to the game, but they're not exactly a free gift like they were before.

Only after visiting a friend and completing all five daily tasks there will you be prompted to send that friend a Care Package. However, I've yet to see the items in my game, so we imagine that Zynga is slowly rolling them back out to players. The idea behind this system appears to be to entice more players to visit one another more often. And with an item you'll always be guaranteed to need at stake, Zynga might be onto something.

[Image Credit: FrontierVille Info]

Have you seen Care Package return to your frontier yet? What do you think of these "smart" items? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
