Consumer Ally Alert: Internet Security Risks for 2011

internet security
internet security

What kinds of new Internet security problems face us in the coming year? Kroll, the New York-based international security and risk consultants, came up with an interesting list that I've adapted a bit based on my own opinions [Between the brackets is me talking], as well as translating business lingo. I also cut a couple from Kroll's list that were more for companies than consumers.

You can read Kroll's fraud blog here for additional security tips, targeted more for business types but still with some application for home computer users.

More small scale breaches will make headlines. Healthcare organizations are now required to report breaches affecting 500 or more individuals, expect to see an increase in the number of smaller scale breaches reported. (An enormously valuable resource on data breaches is this chronology from Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. You'll want a cup of soothing tea.)
