Foreclosure Guru Takes Own Advice

foreclosure guru alexis mcgee
foreclosure guru alexis mcgee

When the foreclosure guru founder of fell behind in her mortgage payments and found herself to be hurtling down the road toward foreclosure, she did what any American would: She weighed her alternatives.

"I am like any other person [facing] something most of America has gone through or is going through as well," Alexis McGee told AOL Real Estate about her decision to downsize to another home not far away from her 2007 custom-built, Craftsman-style "dream home" in Fair Oaks, Calif., which was originally scheduled to be auctioned off at the courthouse steps this month.

"When faced with the tough decision on keeping a home that does not make financial sense, or cutting our losses by short selling and downsizing [versus walking away and allowing foreclosure], a short sale was the right decision," she said in an email interview. "The exact same decision I recommend to my investor clients and the many homeowners I have helped over the years."
