FarmVille Mystery Game for 01/23/11: Valentine's Day items galore!


So, I've got some good news, and I've got some bad news when it comes to tonight's FarmVille update. For the good news, the Mystery Game has been restocked with new limited edition items, and the price has been lowered to the traditional 16 Farm Cash price. The bad news? What is arguably the best Valentine's Day item that we've seen so far - the Pink Unicorn - is only available as a "Rare" prize via the Mystery Game, rather than being available in the store.

As it stands, there are five other items available to win, in addition to the Pink Unicorn - here's the complete rundown of confirmed prizes:

Valentine Sheep - Common
Love Crow (scarecrow) - Common
Tunnel of Love (building) - Uncommon
Mandarin Pond - Uncommon
Pink Unicorn - Rare
Lavender Victorian (building) - Rare

As we said, this week's Mystery Game only costs 16 Farm Cash to purchase, which is actually a fantastic price, if you happen to win either of the Rare prizes. Whether or not 16 Farm Cash is worth a simple sheep or scarecrow though (granted, they are adorable) will be up to you.

This round of the FarmVille Mystery Game will be available for the next week, at which point Quacker's will update the game with a new round of items. Will they also be in the Valentine's Day theme? Only time will tell, but we'll make sure you're the first to know when the game updates.

Will you risk some of your Farm Cash for a cute pink item this week? Let us know in the comments.
