Men Arrested for Living in Vacant Home for Sale

vacant home
vacant home

Two men who trespassed at a $1.1 million Huntington Beach, Calif., investor's vacant home for sale and claimed to be tenants were arrested after the real estate agent notified police that someone had changed the locks and taken down the for sale sign, reported the Orange County Register.

Realtor Dave Macleod told AOL Real Estate that when he arrived at the 5-bedroom, 4-bathroom home (pictured below) with his handyman to have him drill the lock and rekey it, "We heard yelling inside. They kept saying, 'Don't come in.' They tried to claim they had a lease."

Squatters claiming to have leases on vacant properties is a growing problem in California ever since a 2010 law said that tenants cannot be booted out before the end of their lease after a home goes into a foreclosure, unless they accept payment from the bank or investor to leave before the end of the lease term, says Macleod.
