iPhone Price War: Get Top Dollar to Switch to Verizon

Verizon iPhone 4 launch press conference
Verizon iPhone 4 launch press conference

As soon as the Verizon iPhone 4 was announced, the money that gadget buyers were willing to lay out for old iPhones went up and a price war broke out online for for your old iPhone. The good news for anyone looking to switch to the iPhone on Verizon is that it's easier than ever to get the best price for your old iPhone without doing a lot of work.

WalletPop recently highlighted a listing of prices from popular gadget recycler Gazelle.com, which was quick to put out the call for old iPhones. Gazelle's average prices for your old iPhone are up from November 2010 anywhere from a few dollars to a lofty $22 increase on the iPhone 3GS 8GB model.
