FrontierVille: Does Hank need a makeover? Help Zynga decide in new poll


Back in November, FrontierVille players were given the opportunity to upgrade their General Stores, and hire a new in-game character to work at that store. The character's name is Hank [pictured], and while he offers up the occasional corny joke, and makes appearances at in-game celebrations (Thanksgiving Dinner or the New Years party, as examples), he doesn't really serve any other purpose in the game.

However, it looks as though Zynga might be hoping to change that, as they have launched a new poll on the official FrontierVille forums asking a single, simple question: "Would you give Hank a makeover?" The poll has two answers - yes or no - and you are more than welcome to add your own thoughts and comments to the discussion in the thread.

The poll here isn't necessarily the big news though - it's why Zynga is taking the time to focus on this NPC in the first place. When Bess was introduced to the game, it was hinted that perhaps she might take an interest in Hank, but during the New Years Party celebration, we also heard Miss Fanny Wildcat (the in-game schoolteacher) proclaim her affections for good ole Hank as well. Could this makeover be in anticipation of some romantic happenings in the game come Valentine's Day (which is next month)?

Perhaps we'll see a goal series where we have to choose which lady friend Hank will call his own in this love triangle. It would certainly be an entirely unique aspect to the game (as I wouldn't consider the creation of your own spouse in the game to be a real "love-filled" moment), and I would personally be interested in watching it play out. Or... perhaps this poll is just that - a poll to get users talking about the non-playable characters in the game. But hey, one can always dream for something more grand... can't I?

[Image Credit: Zynga]

Do you think this poll about Hank's appearance is hinting at something else in FrontierVille? If given the choice between Fanny Wildcat and Bess, who would you choose for Hank? Let us know in the comments.
