Movable Light Switches and Other Cool Things at The International Builders' Show

light switches - movable light switches
light switches - movable light switches

What's the coolest new home technology on the drawing board, Jetsons' style? Last week's National Association of Home Builders' annual International Builders' Show (IBS -- not to be confused with Irritable Bowel Syndrome) proved a great prowling ground for what's in store for homes of the future -- and let me just say up front that I set my "impress me" bar high -- really high.

I wanted to be able to turn on the oven and roast a chicken from my laptop at work, or meet my goal of growing 75% of my household's food by 2012, feeding the family with whole foods grown in my robot-tended garden, with all our meal scraps composted in three minutes and carried from the table out back by an electronic horizontal dumbwaiter, straight to the plot, to fertilize next month's dinner veggies.

I'm exaggerating, but only slightly
