Will FarmVille have an Anti-Valentine's Day Theme? You decide

Valentine's Day in FarmVille
Valentine's Day in FarmVille

Valentine's Day is, for likely less than half the population, a wonderful event filled with smooches, hugs and delicious gourmet chocolates. For the rest of you, it's probably not so awesome, but the FarmVille community team wants to help you cope. While some of the festivities may already be decided, FarmVille community manager Lexilicious asks in a recent forum post what you want to see in this year's Valentine's Day event on the farm.

However, she also says, "We are also looking for your thoughts on new V-Day Themes (Anti-Valentine's Day anyone?)." Alone on the old V Day (not that V Day)? If enough of you call for it in the forums, it looks like Zynga's got your back. Head over to the forum page and submit your ideas for this year's Valentine's Day Theme (or otherwise).

[Via FarmVille Freak]

Would you like to see an Anti-Valentine's Day theme in FarmVille? What other ideas do you have for this year's lovely event on the farm? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
