FarmVille Sneak Peek: Model Farms could put a farm in your farm

FarmVille Sneak Peek: Model Farms could put a farm in your farm
Model Farm icon
Model Farm Neighbor Icon

You know, so you can farm while you farm? FarmVille Freak has found two interesting icons that imply yet another unreleased FarmVille feature could be on the way simply called "Model Farms." Nothing is known about this potential other than its name and that it appears as if we'll be able to create and maintain our very own miniature farms. Also, it seems that neighbors will somehow be involved in the process as well.

But who knows what purpose a feature like this would serve. Considering we already have storage space and it doesn't seem to involve any sort of animal or vehicle, the possibilities are up in the air. Let's just hope it goes beyond the now standard gifting function between friends.

[Image Credit: FarmVille Freak]

What do you think the Model Farm will become in FarmVille? What purpose could an item or building like this serve other than decoration? Speculate away in the comments. Add Comment.
