FarmVille Cheats and Tips: Nursery Barn Calf and Foal Guide

farmville breeding nursery barn
farmville breeding nursery barn

To be an accomplished calf & foal FarmVille breeder, you're going to need an adult bull or stallion, and lots of adult cows and horses to breed. An easy way to get lots of adult cows and horses is by placing foals in your FarmVille Nursery Barn. While the Nursery Barn's primary function is to harvest coins from multiple foals and calves at once, it also has a secondary feature: it turns your foals and calves into adult horses and cows.

Every time you harvest your Nursery Barn, there is a chance that one of your calves or foals will grow into an adult cow or horse. These can then be used to either breed more calves for your neighbors, or used to do the Multiple Harvest Cheat for infinite breedings. More on the Multiple Breeding Cheat here.

farmville breeding cheats nursery barn
farmville breeding cheats nursery barn

However, be careful with the Nursery Barn. Many people assume that their rare foals and calves will grow up into the adult version of themselves. This is not the case. Continue reading to learn all about the Nursery Barn and how it transforms calves and foals.
