Golf Course Maintenance Man Finds Success Selling Skin Care Products

Golf Course Maintenance Man Finds Success Selling Skin Care Products

William Heerema is a family man with a good full-time job, doing golf course rehabilitation and maintenance for the county he lives in, in New Jersey. He works 40-50 hours per week in this role. Happily married, he and his wife Karyn have a 7-year-old son -- who is the main reason he also works on the side, selling beauty and health products.

William is not your typical cosmetic or beauty product purveyor. He works outdoors in the dirt with his hands all day long, and does not frequent nail salons. But who says that only women are allowed to sell skin care products? Completely secure in his ability to successfully work an MLM business as part of his "plan B" to earn extra income, William is showing men and women everywhere that there are no specific gender rules when it comes to who can make extra money working for Arbonne International.
