Cheap Flights on JetBlue for $39

JetBlue passengers
JetBlue passengers

JetBlue has a bunch of cheap flights starting at $39 one way and vacation packages starting at $155 per person. Book by Thursday, Jan. 13, 2010, to get one of these hot, one-way fares, including:

  • Vegas to Burbank for $39

  • Pittsburgh to NYC or Boston for $39

  • Boston to Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, NYC or D.C. for $39

  • Ft. Lauderdale to Nassau, Bahamas, for $29

  • NYC to Boston, Pittsburgh, Buffalo or Syracuse for $39

  • D.C. to Boston for $39

There are lots more fares for $44, $49, and more as part of the cheap flight sale. You may have to travel on a weekday or Saturday to get these prices. Book online to get these prices; booking over the phone or at a travel center adds $15 per ticket to the price.

Caveats: Taxes and fees apply. Check blackout dates in late February. A seven-day advance purchase may be required.

Check back later today and through the week for more great deals at WalletPop.
