At the Ultra-Green W Hotel, $6 for Fiji Water. What's Wrong With This Picture?

green police fiji water
green police fiji water

The W Hotel in San Francisco is without doubt one of the greenest hotels in America. It won a 2008 "Good Earthkeeping Award," and in April was awarded Silver LEED status, making it "the first LEED certification of an existing building belonging to a major hotel brand."

Here are a few hotel highlights:

  • 70% of the guest room lighting is green, either CFL or LED, with motion sensors.

  • All PCs are Energy Star compliant.

  • "Sensory Meetings" are offered, with all food and beverages "organic, biodynamic and local."

  • Also offered are "zero waste events," and carbon neutral events through a partnership with "Live Neutral" carbon offsets.

  • Management is considering installation of wind turbines on the hotel's roof -- which would be the first for a commercial building in the city.
