Hottest Gadgets for 2011

3-D TV's without the need for glasses will be at the Consumer Electronic Show  in 2011 --  hottest gadgets
3-D TV's without the need for glasses will be at the Consumer Electronic Show in 2011 -- hottest gadgets

The International Consumer Electronics Show is about to begin in Las Vegas -- Jan. 6 -- but before companies start promoting their wares, we thought we'd give you an early look at the hottest gadgets for 2011. Just don't expect great deals on these products. As we reported last year, being an early adopter of new technology can be costly, and if you want to save money it's better to wait for sales or for prices to drop as the kinks are worked out of the new gadgets.

Not everything is new. At CES last year, Microsoft and other companies set 2010 as the year of the tablet, but only Apple took the lead with its iPad, as the New York Times pointed out.

WalletPop talked with Anthony Scarsella, chief gadget officer at Gazelle, a website that buys and sells used electronics. Here are some of the top gadgets coming out this year:
