Retail Sales Rise: Shopping Continues, Despite Snow & Cold

retail sales rise
retail sales rise

A likely sign of the return of consumer confidence, 53 percent of those surveyed by ShopperTrak said they plan to keep shopping this week, despite the snow and cold. That's an encouraging number, considering only 47 percent said they were going shopping last week, which included the few days before Christmas, reports the New York Post. And, last week there was a 4.8 percent increase in retail sales, compared to what they were last April.

All this is likely good news for job seekers looking to find work in retail. This latest jump in spending, coupled with the fact that some large retailers such as Macy's are currently hiring, seems to confirm that the retail industry might be turning the corner.

Media coverage of shopping centers has captured the enthusiasm of folks happy to be back shopping. Since customers are just now easing back into shopping there are less complaints about poor service, high prices, and parking spots too far from the store. Also, many people seem to feel liberated to be out of the isolation of their homes and among other people in the malls.
